Monday, September 5, 2011


What is personification?

Personification brainstorming:
1. Think about this school year, your art major, or a particular class.
2. Give this school year, art major, particular class a personality by defining:
  • How old is this person?
  • What gender is this person?
  • What does this person look like? What does he/she wear? What kind of hair style or shoes does he/she sport?
  • What kind of personality does this person have? (happy-go-lucky? angry? morbid? annoying? respectful? cruel? hopeful? pleasant? sad? jealous?, etc.)
  • Give this person a quirk or personality trait. (Always sings in the shower, doesn't like the color green, likes to pull wings off flies, doesn't eat anything beginning with the letter "f", dislikes laziness, etc.)
  • How else would you describe this person? What's his/her favorite pastime or activity? What's his/her pet peeve? Etc.
Personification writing task: After brainstorming, write a personal letter to your personified school year, art major, particular class, etc. in which you confess a secret or make a promise or tell the person off.

Remember to sign your letter.

Optional HOMEWORK: Write a poem using personification. The more you write, the higher your participation grade will be.

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