Friday, March 30, 2012


If personification is the technique of giving inanimate (things not alive) human characteristics, Chremamorphism is giving characteristics of an object to a person.

For example: "she shined upon him with her eyes" gives qualities of an object, like a star, to a person.

Step One: Brainstorming

Make a chart in your journal or notebook that includes 6 columns at the top and 3 columns long. Put part A (emotions) on top and put part B (people and objects) on the side. Here's a depiction:



Identify the following people in your life:
  • A positive or happy person
  • An angry or grumpy person
  • A loyal or trustworthy person
  • A kind, gentle, or sweet person
  • A sad or melancholy (depressed) person
Step Two: More brainstorming

List objects (non living things) that you consider:
  • positive or happy
  • angry or dangerous
  • loyal or trustworthy
  • pleasant, nice, or sweet
  • sad or tragic
Step Three: Writing

Write a poem or description of a person as an object. If, for example, your mother is a stable, loyal, trustworthy person, you might identify or describe her with an object that is stable and trustworthy like a four-legged table.
"Mother--you are a four-legged table
There to lean on, support our weight.
You are wide and strong and able
To bear the things we place upon you.
We gather around you each morning, each night,
And though we don't always say it--
We mutter grace and give thanks,
thankful that you are always there within sight."
 Please print out your poem and put the copy in your portfolio for class credit.


Thursday, March 29, 2012


What is personification?

Personification brainstorming: (follow these steps closely)

1. Think about this school year, your art major, or a particular class. Choose a topic or subject. (if you have a better idea, feel free to use it--if you are stuck, choose my suggestion)

2. Give this school year, art major, particular class, etc. a personality by defining:
  • How old is this person?
  • What gender is this person?
  • What does this person look like? What does he/she wear? What kind of hair style or shoes does he/she sport?
  • What kind of personality does this person have? (happy-go-lucky? angry? morbid? annoying? respectful? cruel? hopeful? pleasant? sad? jealous?, etc.)
  • Give this person a quirk or personality trait. (Always sings in the shower, doesn't like the color green, likes to pull wings off flies, doesn't eat anything beginning with the letter "f", dislikes laziness, etc.)
  • How else would you describe this person? What's his/her favorite pastime or activity? What's his/her pet peeve? Etc.
Personification writing task: After brainstorming, write a personal letter to your personified school year, art major, particular class, etc. in which you confess a secret or make a promise or tell the person off. Type up your letter.

CLASSWORK: After writing your letter, write a poem or a short story using personification. The more you write for this class, the higher your participation grade will be. Use your time in the lab effectively. Today is a day for WRITING!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

5th Marking Period Students: Arts Exploratory

Welcome 5th Marking Period Students!

Today, and every day in the lab, please check this blog site for details, the daily agenda, and writing advise or prompts.

Today's Agenda:
1. Introduction to the lab. Create a new folder for creative writing.
2. Use the wordspill exercise to write something new.
3. Type up any old work we've written so far in this class.

Please type up some of your previously written work. What we've done so far:

1. An ode
2. A limerick
3. A clerihew
4. A cinquain
5. The wordspill
6. Other poems
1. The "glove" story and the story prompt exercise
2. The genre story
3. Journal exercises that lead to a story
4. Other stories
NOTE: The lab is to be used for writing. Please avoid watching youtube or other non-class websites. It is likely you will fail this course if you spend too much (or any) time on these sites.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Homework: week of 3/12

Brent: Monday: All the vocab on page 821; Tuesday pg. 631  # 16-21;
All  vocab    on  822: Remember that all 8 recent assignments will be checked tomorrow (Friday).