Monday, May 14, 2012


Hoodwinked: to deceive; to trick or hide the truth.

POV (Point of View)

When writing, we can use four different points of view to tell the story:
1. 1st person POV (I, me); The narrator is also a character in the story (usually the protagonist)
2. 2nd person POV (you); The narrator is omniscient, but the reader is part of the narrative
3. 3rd person - limited (he, she, it, etc.) told from the perspective of a main character or protagonist
4. 3rd person - Omniscient (he, she, it, etc.) told from an all-knowing, all-seeing narrator (usually not involved in the action of the story).
Multiple Perspective: When narration switches between more than one character's POV.

As you watch the film, note details that change the original story. How does each narrator change the story?

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